Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How To Counter Offer An Auto Settlement

New media, new concepts of audiovisual online video politics


. There is some consensus that the new media are the result of l to the information age, details of which affect production, distribution and consumption of messages q ue are generated through the Internet, multimedia, DVD, virtual reality, 3D animation, video and digit to video games. Terms such as digitization, interactivity, hypertext, and digitextualidad, intended to cover the n ew institutionalization of proper media communication in postindustrial societies as postmodern economic and cultural.

New in new media has been analyzed technological perspectives, cultural and political. This range of explanations in which the central axis an object is moving, ie the new media, we chose to develop a transdisciplinary way split of semiotics studies the media, mainly cinema, and matched the approaches of history and theory of technology. This is not a job research on media and new technologies but to identify how technologies me god setting up new languages and other forms of cultural interaction.

Match: Castellanos, Vicente (2007). "New media, new conceptualizations of audiovisual" in Semio07 Cultures of the Visible. Istanbul Kültür Üniversitesi. Istanbul.

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